5 Ways To Make 2016 Your Best Year Yet


So, its New Years day AKA half of you babes are dying in bed and the other half are running off Christmas cookies at the gym.

Honestly, every year I would get so mad because I would make a list of resolutions and find myself back in “2015 mode” less than a month later.

LADIES- We need to stop burning ourselves out.

We set so many (not so easy) resolutions and end up getting overwhelmed and then quit everything.

Hitting the gym EVERY day is a badass goal but if you pigged out all of 2015- its extremely unrealistic. Sorry not sorry.

The best thing to do is to start small and then work your way to your goal. Trust me, you’ll get much better results.

Anyways, I’m giving you simple + totally achievable goals for 2016.

Oh, and happy New Year!


1. Add A Reg Workout To Your Already Busy Day

Okay, I totally wish I was one of those people who spend everyday spinning, hiking beautiful trails, or even those who can afford a personal trainer, if this is you- keep up the amazing work!

But if you’re a busy bee like myself- keep reading. Basically, something like 40% of Americans make staying fit or working out their new years resolution. Funny thing is, 99% of these people will struggle with working out and time management.

Little do you know- you actually don’t need to squeeze that sweat sesh in at the gym after a long day of work. There around endless ways to stay fit while having a busy schedule. Instead of pressuring yourself to hit the gym, set up mini challenges for yourself that are realistic. Walking is actually a great exercise! Try to achieve 10,000 steps a day (which can be tracked on a smart phone/smart watch).

I also highly recommend checking out The Skinny Confidential’s, Bombshell Body Guide or Kayla Itsines, Bikini Body Guide. They both are AMAZING.

healthy food

2. Cook More At-Home Meals

The first step to maintaining a healthy diet is eating at home. I totally used to be a grab & go kind of girl! It wasn’t until I limited the amount of times I ate out per month (once a month or less) that I realized how much better I felt and looked. Eating out is actually scary if you think about it. You have ZERO idea what they put in your food and how they prepare it. Chances are the majority of the things you are putting into your body from a restaurant are yucky.

Yes, I know cooking at home is hard after a long day of work or class but it’s totally worth it. Meal prepping is a lifesaver too. Use the weekends to grocery shop & plan out your meals for the week.


3. Be Creative

I can’t stress this enough. Be creative! Get your brain moving.

Whether its signing up for a paint night or even starting a blog- get your thoughts flowing. It is so important to express yourself.

Make a list of all of the creative things you want to accomplish this year.

Some ideas:

-Organize & Revamp your closet


-Write in a journal

-Learn an instrument

-Paint night

-Refurnish an antique piece of furniture

-Read, Read, Read!

-Join a sport or activity (tennis)

– Start a blog

The list goes on and on

love you

4. Fall In Love

Yes, cheesy I know. But I’m obsessed with being in love. NOTHING in this world beats that feeling. Love is amazing. Love is innocent and kind.

Now, I’m not saying run out and get married. But definitely open yourself up more to find “the one” or even better, fall in love with yourself. Fall in love with the feeling of treating yourself to a nice bath after a long day. Fall in love with the sound of the rain on a Sunday afternoon. Fall in love with family dinners.

Life is so damn short. We need to appreciate everything and everyone around us.

Fall in love with life!



5. Start Saving

Personally, this is a rough subject for me. I’m very very very bad at saving. Deff something I need to work on in 2016 (let’s do it together). Saving is so important because you never want the feeling of not being secure. You never know what life could throw your way but if you have a good chunk saved, you will be less stressed about the situation.

If you saved $5 a day AKA cut off the Starbucks frappes, you would have around $2000 at the end of the year. Amazing right?

What are your goals for 2016?

xxx B



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