How-To Clean Your Makeup Brushes In 5 Simple Steps

cleaning makeup brushes

Okay, so you’ve got the highlight + contour down (proud of you), BUT did you know that you are missing one crucial step.

Ummm helllllo- washing your makeup brushes.

Every single time you use your makeup brushes tiny bits of makeup, dirt, oil, and even gross bacteria get trapped inside the bristles. Uhm, Yuck.

This step in your makeup routine is soooo important. Cant stress it enough. Skipping this step leads to clogged pores and nasty breakouts.

Not to mention, makeup brushes aren’t cheap- why not take care of them?

Lucky for you, cleaning your makeup brushes is super simple. The first step is keeping your brushes clean on the reg. Pick up a daily brush cleaner << this is my fave >> and spray a tiny bit on your brushes after each use. But, once a week is when you get down & dirty (p.s. your brushes take a few hours to dry- do this after you’ve applied your makeup for the day)


  • Your sink (obvi)
  • A cloth
  • Small bowl
  • Gentle clarifying shampoo/baby shampoo


  1. Start by running all of your brushes under warm water. Make sure you are running water long enough to get most of the residual makeup. Try to focus on the actual tips of the bristles.
  2. Fill up a small bowl with warm water and squirt a small amount of shampoo. Gently swirl the tips of your brushes in the water.
  3. Rinse the brush under warm running water again.
  4. Use your cloth to wipe the brush clean. Make sure you reshape the bristles as you go.
  5. Lay your brushes out on a cloth to dry. (dry for a few hours)

I promise you, once you start washing your brushes and taking better care of them (and your skin) you will become ADDICTED.

Nothing like fresh brushes + a fresh face.

Xo B

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