10 Reasons Why Growing Up With A Single Mother Made Me The Woman I am Today


Today is my 20th birthday. Yes, 20 is so young. But in my 20 years on this planet, I know from the bottom of my heart, I would not be where I am today without my mother. My mother had me when she was this exact age, so I thought it would be appropriate to publish this post on my 20th birthday.

It was my mother and I against the world and it will be that way until the day I die. It may sound strange, but we basically raised each other. We both taught each other something new every single day. We both needed each other.

My life could have played out very differently. If my mother didn’t put her big girl pants on when she did, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I wouldn’t be the person I am today.

My mother vowed to me the day I was born that she would give me the world, and boy did she keep her promise.

Now, at twenty years old, I’m starting a new chapter in my life. Much different from my moms but I will always carry the wise words and lessons she has taught me.

Yes, growing up with a single mother made me the woman I am today.

1. Give Kindness To The World

I learned at a very young age that super heroes do in fact exist. Not the kind we see in movies, but the kind that walk amongst us in society every day. These types of super heroes are placed on this earth and do nothing but good. They effortlessly bring happiness to each and every person around them. My mother will always be my hero. She has shown me nothing but pure kindness and strength. My mothers big heart is what has greatly influenced me to spread nothing but kindness in the world.


2. Hard Work Pays Off

My mother had to work ten times harder than the majority of the people around her. At only 20, she had to provide for two people. Most 20 year olds can’t even provide for themselves yet alone another human being. Things got tough for my mother, very tough, but that never stopped her from seeing the light. She never shied away from hard work. She knew that she had a job to get done and she did it- no excuses. Still, to this day, she continues to strive for more. I watch my mother come up with many goals and dreams, some seem far-fetched but every single one, she accomplishes. I’m amazed by her. Everything my mother has wanted in this life, she has worked her a** off for and I mean it. Anything she has ever needed in this life, she earned it herself. My mom has taught me that there isn’t a single thing in this whole world that you can’t accomplish with hard work and dedication. Anything I need or want in my life, I can accomplish on my own.


3. Shitty Relationships Aren’t A Thing

Thanks to my mother, I’ve never ended up in a shitty relationship. Ever since I was a little girl, I have NEVER been clouded by the fear of being alone. Absolutely not. The relationships I get involved in will never become my whole life- only important additions to the life I’ve already been living.

4. Loyalty Is Key

Loyalty is everything in life. Because of my mother, I have nothing but loyalty and respect for my family. I went from having a family of two- to a family of far more loving people than I could ever imagine. I take so much pride in my family. They are my world.

5. Always Take Care Of Yourself

Don’t get me wrong, I will NEVER be a housewife. God, no. But thanks to my mother, I can do my own laundry (have been able to since elementary school), get a stain out of my clothes, cook my own meals, iron my clothes, and even sew that little rip in my shirt. Pretty much anytime I need to adult, I can. My mother has never waited on me. Yes, she takes care of me and is there for me every step of the way, but she has never waited on me. It’s always been important to her that I learn to take care of myself.


6. Never Worry About The Opinions Of Others

Honestly, the opinions of others do not matter. When my mother had me at a young age, she got a sh*t ton of unwanted and unnecessary comments from other people (even those close to her). She has taught me that as long as you are doing your very best in life and you are happy with yourself, the opinions of other people are irrelevant.

7. Gender Stereotypes Dont Mean Sh*t

YES people, a woman can fix a car, or even provide for her entire family and still be feminine. In fact, a woman who is independent and doesn’t need a man for anything is sexy. My mother taught me that. Never rely on a man for anything. Sure, getting some help is okay. But get off your a** and learn how to take care of yourself. That goes for anything from fixing your own car to paying next months rent. Do not wait around for a man to do it for you.

8. Always Show Up For People

I honestly don’t recall a single time my mother hasn’t been there for me when I needed her (and even when I didn’t). EVERY sports game, high school dance, and even every broken heart- my mom was right there by my side, no questions asked. She always (and still does) put her family first. She has taught me the importance of being there for your family and friends. Showing up for people is so important in life. People will forget what you said… But people will never forget how you made them feel.

9. Love Unconditionally

My favorite thing about my mother is that she loves every single person that crosses her path in life. No matter who they are- she loves them. My mom has taught me to see the best in the world no matter what the circumstances are. She has taught me to love everyone and everything that comes into my life. Even if they may treat you poorly, give them extra love because they need it more than you do. Yes, there will be bad days but after every bad day comes a great one.


10. Know Your Worth

When you look in the mirror, really look at yourself. You are so special, so beautiful, so unique. Know your value and never settle for anything less than what you deserve. My mother has taught me that in order to be successful in life, you must know how precious and valuable you are. In relationships, you need to know how valuable you are. In the workplace, you need to know how valuable you are. Once you know your worth, other people around you will too.

There hasn’t been a single time in my life where I wasn’t capable. Watching my mother take on and conquer the world, I realized I could too. Everything in life is a risk but if my mom can do it, so can I.



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